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Creepy Cats

By Paige

Creepy Cat Picture

Image credit Moronail

It’s no secret cats can be a little creepy, what with their slitted eyes and tongue fingers. We found some cats that you definitely wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley.

Although they are creepy in these shots, it’s clear each one of them has a distinct personality. Besides, who said that creepy can’t be cute?

Creepy Cat Picture

Image credit jonnykeelty

Creepy Cat Picture

Image credit Triestino7

Creepy Cat Picture

Image credit Niklas

Creepy Cat Picture

Image credit PJLewis

Creepy Cat Picture

Image credit Bekah

Creepy Cat Picture

Image credit

Creepy Cat Picture

Image credit Coffee Monster

Creepy Cat Picture

Image credit much2274

Image credit netdel

Not So Creepy?

It’s safe to say they are all a little creepy, but the winner of the creepiest shot has to go to the first one. That looks like a cat possessed.

Now that you’ve had your fill of creepy, why not enjoy a little beauty and check out Cats in HDR?

9 Responses to “Creepy Cats”

What's Yours?

  1. Ashley says:

    those cats dont look like any animal i have ever scene th

  2. Ashlee Butowski says:

    Wowza! Holy Freedom Fries!! This aint like any of the 32 cats I have. I reckon you should come take a picture of my creepy cat!

  3. Frances Cat Granny Yarrow says:

    These poor cats are the result of cruel, senseless, brainless individuals, trying to gain some sort of peculiar recognition to compensate for their obvious pathetic lives. Ones again man’s cruelty to animals astounds and disgusts me.


    • CARLEY says:

      there aint nothing cruel on here dummy

  4. nyan cat says:

    uhh… freakist thing ever!

  5. nyan cat says:

    meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow…

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