Famous Cartoon Cats
Cats have always been entertaining animals. Perhaps that’s why some of our favorite cartoon characters throughout the years have been feline in nature.
Here is a list of some of the most famous cartoon cats out there, each one adding their own brand of sass to the cartoon world.

Arlene is Garfield’s lady friend and one of the only ones in his comic that can match his wit. The big gap between her two front teeth give her all the personality she needs.

Perhaps a lesser known cartoon cat, Azrael is Gargamel’s partner in crime as he plots to destroy the gleefully blue smurfs.

Bill doesn’t say much, due to the fact that he has a bit of a hairball problem. He is best known for making his noises at Opus in Bloom County.

Bucky is an angry siamese cat with a razor sharp wit. He’s usually the smartest guy in the room and never lets the dog forget it in the Get Fuzzy comicstrip.

Probably the most charismatic character of the Dr. Seuss books, the Cat in the Hat teaches us all to enjoy the ride.

Perhaps the best part of Alice in Wonderland is the smarmy Cheshire Cat offering his brand of frustratingly useless advice.

This is one cat that doesn’t take life laying down, Felix the Cat is always up for a good laugh.

Maybe one of the most widely known cat cartoon, Garfield is one cat with attitude. He isn’t interested in much, except lasagna, napping, lasagna, teasing the dog, oh, and did we mention lasagna?

The neighborhood bully Heathcliff manages to live up to his name. He keeps the neighborhood dogs guessing & always has time for a little romance.

The flagship character for Sanrio, Hello Kitty doesn’t say much, but her face pops up everywhere we look.

What Hobbes is depends on whose perspective you prefer. To Calvin, Hobbes is a playmate & confidant – to everyone else Hobbes is a stuffed tiger.

Probably everyone has felt a little sympathy for poor Penelope as she is smothered in stinky kisses by none other than Pepe le Pew.

The king of cool, Pink Panther started out as part of a title sequence and wound up becoming the most recognizable pink kitty in town.

This character comes from a French fable about a man who inherits an extraordinary cat (with a boot fetish no less) who has a plan for his unsuspecting master.

Little Sagwa is as sweet as she is cute. From the show named after her, Sagwa keeps us entertained as she learns from her own mistakes.

Bart & Lisa’s favorite show on The Simpsons, The Itchy & Scratchy Show pits cat & mouse against each other in a bloody statement about modern cartoons.

Everyone’s favorite lion, Simba’s story is a bittersweet one. However one thing is for certain, he was meant to be the Lion King

Best known for his catch phrase “Heavens to Murgatroyd” Snagglepuss is not the sharpest cat cartoon. This Hanna-Barbera’s creation and was first introduced on The Quick Draw McGraw Show

Probably good friends with Bill the Cat, Snowball is best known for her hairballs and her random involvement in one of The Simpson’s latest schemes.

Definitely the dumbest cat on this page, Stimpy is not the sharpest tool in the shed. But he’s got to be pretty dim to share in Ren’s hair brained schemes.

With a catch phrase like “Thuffering Thuccotash” you wouldn’t believe Sylvester was bright, but we think he doesn’t really want to catch Tweety Bird.

Definitely the most exciting member of Winnie the Pooh’s gang, Tigger is almost obnoxiously energetic.

Much like Sylvester, we think maybe Tom isn’t as interested in catching Jerry as he would have us believe.
Who is Your Favorite?
Ours is definitely Azrael, to put up with Gargamel and the Smurfs…that’s one tolerant cat.
Don’t forget Sagwa! The Chinese Siamese Cat!
It’s a PBS cartoon for kids, but this little cat is so endearing and the adventures so charming that even I love Sagwa, And I’m an adult!
oh i <3 hello kitty she da best drawing in da world
Thanks for the info Joy, we’ve added Sagwa to the list. 🙂
hello kitty is the best. I love her sooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello kitty is bad
So many great choices up here, but for my money overall I’d have to go with Garfield first, followed by Hobbes second. Both have mass appeal, great character, and put felines on the map in smart and intelligent way. I would follow that up with Sylvester, Pink Panther, and Tigger.
good going scott garfield is fantastic!!!! 🙂
Bill has to be in the top five, of course that’s just my opinion…
Don’t forget Bagpuss…
Tom’s the best !!
There’s also Hello Kitty, Bagheera and Sher Kahn (from Jungle Book), the Aristocats, and Si and Am the siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp. 😉
wow theres a lot of cats
yes hello kitty is good nancy
I agree w/ Nancy! Tom’s the best, especially since the version of T&J where they’re friends is so unbelievably good! Jinks from Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks should be on this list too.
Hello Kitty is on the list, Sarah.
What about Lionel, Panthor, or any of the Thundercats?! Very Famous cats. Also, Cringer aka Battle Cat from He-Man. Those are just a couple I can think off hand a famous.
What about Figaro (Mickey’s cat) , Felix and Top Cat?
Actually Figaro is Minnie’s cat. The only ‘pet’ Mickey has is Pluto. Although Minnie and Mickey are obviously a couple there was never an actual “Marriage” of the two characters, even though their last names are the same, Mouse, this is most likely just standing for what animal they are i.e. Donald DUCK. Unless you wanted to take it to a creepy level to where they are relatives by blood…
you sound cool justin
Guess it could b mickey rat or Minnie rat lol but not the same ring to it! Or if they get married they can b mickey n Minnie mice 🙂 lovely site but I’m playing a game cartoon pictures or something like that n it shows u shadow pictures of cartoon characters, but I’m stuck on a cat with hands in pockets, clothed, n shoes on aswell. Hobbes maybe? Great site anyway!
Figero is actually japedos (pinnochios dad) cat (sorry for the spelling)
whats about samurai pizza cats hahaha
Hi! I love your picture of the cheshire cat! I was wondering if i could have your permission to use in in a video i am making?
What about Tony the Tiger? He’s grrreeeaaaat! 😉
Dont forget TopCat!!
Well done Milly,
I was looking to see if anyone had thought of good old TC and his adversary Officer Dibble!
what do you mean about september 5 2010 1:45pm don’t forget topcat- what are you talking about
I agree with Nancy. Tom is the greatest!
actually i was trying to find a name of a cat cartoon character.It had a spanish accent(may be), a sword, and a pink ring.that’s all i can remember so does anyone know its name?
Eeeeeek!! ..the cat
1) TOP CAT (and his gang of cats)
4) ESSO TIGER (gas)
5a) SEBASTIAN THE CAT (from the cartoon)
6) FLINSTONES (had a cat, they place out at night)
7) MORRIS THE CAT (catfood)
9) …
what about hellow kitty>:)
The Panther from the jungle book!
sylvester looks like my boyfriend
What about Rita from “Animaniacs”? Not only did she have wisdom, but she also sang great.
please! where is tiger woods?
Personally, I wouldn’t include tigers. They deserve their own hall of fame. But as long as you’re lumping tigers and housecats together, you should not forget Rags (Ragland T. Tiger), sidekick of Crusader Rabbit. (Who?? See, you forgot him already!)
A bit better known, at least to comic history buffs, would be Mehitabel, the feline friend of Archy the cockroach, and Krazy Kat, hopelessly in love with Ignatz the mouse, who despised Krazy.
I am so glad you mentioned Krazy Kat.
Very classic! Let me pick Bucky, because he won’t put up with any B.S.
That’s a real cat for you.
very good pictures next add ore sutff
i liked the work u have done love the pics
Hello Kitty is Stephen Treadwell’s heroine.
What about snagglepuss?
FYI, the Simpsons cat is named Snowball II. The first snowball met her demise early in season 1.
You’re Missing:
Courageous Cat
Simon’s Cat
Spot (from Hong Kong Phooey)
hey stev. c do you like hellow kitty. i like those cats to
Oh my goodnes, Yes! Spot! HGP would have been in real fix without him.
How about the Manga warrior cats?
I’m lookink for the name of a purple cartoon cat with a green mouse friend. Any suggestions? Maybe was on pbs.
yo i remember catdog if that helps 🙂 wow time flys when you have fun!!!!
My number one would definitely be Sylvester <3
Runner ups are top cat, Tom, and hobbes
What about a cartoon character named: “Sugar
The feline character in the long-ago comic strip “Gordo” was “Pussy Gato”
I would have to say that my favorite is Hello Kitty! I memorized the tv show’s theme song when I was little… “kitty! pretty kitty! All the rainbows in the sky, and the birds know how to fly, it’s kitty! Pretty kitty!”
I know… i’m weird… Still, I <3 hello kitty
Wonderful selections of famous cats. Thanks for sharing with us.
dont forget (that up her self cat) Marie and the other aristocrats and baggera from jungle book (its good u put puss in boot on there he’s awsome) and top cat definitley
Marie was so properly arrogant she was adorable. And how about the way Berlioz and Toulouse said, “Yes, Mama.”
I posted Thomas O’mally earlier, but I just thought of his friend Scatcat. Ya know, honestly, you could name most of the cats in that movie and not really be wrong.
Fat Freddys Cat (Crumb)
Krazy Kat (George Herriman) (first known Cartoon-Cat from early 1920ies)
i love so many cartoon cat.
What about Moochie?
for me is silvester and snowball,simba
u 4got chester the cheetah!!
A cheezy omission indeed…
Don’t forget about Jinks from Pixie, Dixie & Jinks. I probably watched those cartoons more than any other cat cartoon as a kid.
Where is Oggy from Oggy and the cockroaches
I am a surrealist cat artist and have created cat cartoons including a 3 eye 1950s b movie cat alien with a flying saucer of milk amongst other crazy creations http://www.artwanted.com/wonderful. Sagwa is the cat with it all she is beautiful, courageous, funny and the stories are enchanting. How about Henrys Cat, a series from the 80s?
I agree with Han Han…it’s a travesty that you have forgotten Top Cat. Also, though not as egregious an omission, you may want to consider Fat Cat from Rescue Rangers.
Top Cat is the indisputable leader of the gang.
what about Mufasa!
i agree with janine … Mufasa!!! hello???
Türk yokmu lan bu sitede
burası türkiye mi yoksa cartoon mu
Figaro the cat in Pinnochio was puppet maker, Gepetto’s cat.
Stupid… how could you forget Mr. Jinx? best cartoon! I hate those meeces to pieces!
some more cats…
fritz the cat
the thundercats
i have to say i love jim davis so im going with GARFIELD!!!!! and arlene but she doesnt do much…..
Oliver from Oliver and Company??
There’s one other cat character that appears in the Mr. Bean cartoon series and that’s Scrapper, who is the pet cat of his landlady.
GARFIELD!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀
Battle Cat, best cartoon cat ever.
where’s Eek?
What about CatDog, The Cat comes first.
1. Tom
2. Sylvester
3. Garfield
4. Pink Panther
The rest, who cares
why are the 2 cats from the Simpsons even there? No one cared about them.
I love BINKY the BEST! He is sooooooooooooo HILARIOUS!!!
You can also see BINKY here: http://mousebreath.com/2011/12/16/friday-funnies-cat-cartoon
A couple of my favorites cat villans are Si and Am…”We are Siamese if you please…We are Siamese if you don’t please…”
I would have mentioned them, too, if you had not already been on top of it. Good thinkin’.
Azreal from the smurfs. Mad Cat from inspector gadget. Fat Cat from Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers.
I’d have to put “The Aristocats” Thomas O’Mally on this list, too. He was just toooo smooth…
Oh! Also, Tommy the Cat from the Primus song. I know he only appeared as a cartoon in the music video and had no real lines, but the lyrics describe one very cool cat. He’d be worth at least an honorable mention.
YES, Edgardo! Finally someone mentions the siamese twins from Lady and the Tramp, thank you! (All-time fave movie) And agree Thomas O’malley should be on the list, he is the collest cat ever, lol.
I can’t believe no one has mentioned Kimba the white lion! Classic!
You left out Top Cat!
I like the classic three:
1. Tom (from Tom and Jerry); 2. Sylvester (from Sylvester and Tweety); 3. Felix the Cat
The modern one:
1. Garfield
All of them are funny, but the funniest is Tom; the funnier is Garfield.
From Edgardo Valentino D. Olaes
I add here three more cats: 1. CICERO’S CAT (her real name is Desdemona. Cicero is the son of Mutt, from “Mutt and Jeff”); 2. SI; and 3. AM (Si and Am are the troublesome Siamese twins from “Lady and the Tramp”).
Where is Meoth?!
i think sylvester is my favorite cat folowed by
tom and than heartcliff garfield penelope scratchy azrael felix
but im missing 3 more Brother/friend cats.. who are black and white and are totally insane picking on people i just forget the name and cant find out whats their name…
there is also one lila color famous cat i dont know the name either…
Like Simon’s cat, and Fat Freddy’s cat 🙂
Hong Kong Phooey had a smart sidekick cat named Spot 🙂
Luna and Artemis from Sailor Moon.
The Aristocats (Disney)
Siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp
Mad Cat Inspector Gadget
Like the others ask, why isn’t Top Cat on the list? He’s definitely an oldie but goody !
Tiger! From Fievel goes west
My faves
Kimba the White Lion!!!
That is the anime series from the early 1970s that had a story based on Hamlet. And yes, Kimba had a scarred uncle who killed his father and took over the pride, and he had hyena henchmen, and Kimba had a blue-nosed baboon as a mentor, and– wait. Doesn’t this sound familiar to anyone? Hmmm…
omg you forgot the aristocats: marie, toulouse, berlioz, dutchess, o’maley
Meowth from Pokemon is a classic and should be added for those born in the 90s :3
please i need help with 2 questions!
1- who was the first cat in cartoons?
2- who was the first cat in comics?
heathcliff and riff raff….
I feel you, heathcliff and the others cats were my favortie
lol i just loove bagheera. in my eyes he was the best “cat”…
What about Top Cat?
Who said,”It never hurts to help.”–and had a pet named Sharky?
yolo lol lol lol lol yolo YOLO LOLIGE YOLO
Katnap from cartoongems looks like topcat.
Jess … Postman Pat’s Black and White cat
what about Felina from LPSO (littlest pet shop online)? she is too awesome to forget. Also Tabby von Meow from Webkinz.
Hello Kitty is bad?! What are you talking about?! How can she be considered bad?!
I am looking for a black cat with a blue long colar and earrings he’s a black cat
I’m trying to think of the name of a cat who is like Snagglepuss and may have been in one of his shows. He’s light orange with a purple hat. Any ideas?
I am looking for a black & white striped cat & if I remember he has a small slur. It probably was from the 50’s&60’s.(I think)
Figaro is probably best known as the pet cat of Mister Geppetto and Pinocchio.
What about the lions that formed voltron; the Catillac Cats that came on after Heathcliff ( Riff Raff, Hector, Wordsworth and Mongo) or the Thundercats?
I need help finding out the title of a cartoon about cats. My rough guess, it’s from the late ’70s. In short, (from what I remember) a rural female cat goes to Paris to become famous. When she gets there, a gang of bad cats capture her who of course have a leader. A male cat from back home follows her and tries to free her. Now this cat has a ritual when catching mice, that it’s quite unforgettable. He also has a kitten sidekick who says “Bravo!” when the mice are caught. Yes he’s very much like Thomas O’Maley smooth. I don’t think it’s a Disney cartoon, as it’s not as well drawn as the Aristocats. I don’t remember any names, unfortunately. Thanks
I remember watching this cartoon called Klondike Kat. Anyone else seen it?
What about Oggy and Shere Khan ?
No mention of topcat the charming swindler : )
My Two favorite are Garfield and Puss’N’ Boots! They both rock! they are funny, cute, and Both Orange that what i love about hem soo…much. they will never leave my mind and i love the Aristocats they all rock my world so does Garfield and Puss’N’Boots.
Thomas and the rest from The Aristacats
A few omissions were KRAZY KAT,FRITZ,FAT FREDDY”S CAT,LIPPY THE LION,the cat from the SQUEAK THE MOUSE series(I forgot his name). I’m sure that there are many others.OK,Happy New Year 2014!
Please don’t leave out Chococat! Meow! =^.^=
Oggy in Iggy and the cockroaches
They need UniKitty from The lego movie.
This is a great list! But you need to add Top Cat and Krazy Kat to complete it.
Don’t forget my favorite cat character, Mr. Jinks! Like Tom with Jerry Jinks has a “love-hate” relationship with those 2 “meeces” Pixie and Dixie!
salem from Sabrina the teenage witch
Pardon me for sounding negative but I wouldn’t have put Sylvester on the list. He’s too plain & simple, he has too much bad luck & I think he’s rather ugly.
Penelope and Mr Jinx and Krazy Kat are my favorite ffom when I was a kid. Penelope is the cutest sweetest cat of all. She looks like my cat Mitzel
Hey! Don’t forget Pusheen and Stormy! They are pretty popular. So is Nyan Cat.
Must mention Elsa, the real life lioness, of “Born Free” fame!
I am looking for a cat that wore a red cape and is black and white.
MR. Sylvester, Mr Pink Panther and The Simba is the best…. no one can compete them 😛 <3
What about the cats from Aristocats?