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Funny Cat Photoshop

By Paige

Cat Photoshop

Image from sizzlar

Cats can be clownish by nature (but only when they feel like it) and they often make those who love them giggle.

We can’t seem to get enough of these images, especially the funny ones. Here are some cats that have been cleverly manipulated by photoshop artists.

Cat Photoshop

We swear Azland, the witch went that way
Image from Mundo

Cat Photoshop

They taste so much better when I take them off a kid

Cat Photoshop

What they do when you aren’t home
Image from Thalt1603

Cat Photoshop

Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn
Image from ice

Cat Photoshop

And they say purebreds aren’t inbred
Image from AzureSky

Cat Photoshop

A new breed – matchbook kitty
Image from Mundo

Cat Photoshop

The new petting zoo allows kids & tigers to connect
Image from vipez

Cat Photoshop

There is one inside every cat
Image from gercek

If That’s Not Enough For You

Have a look at the rest of our cat photoshop collection.

Cat Creatures | Creepy Cats | If Cats Ruled the World | Photoshop Lions

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